You must have arranged
quite a Iot of security for their arrivaI.
That's the trick.
I've announced the coins are coming in
Monday morning, in an armed escort.
They're actuaIIy arriving tonight,
under cover of darkness...
...in a reguIar deIivery truck.
It's genius.
True genius.
No one wiII ever steaI them
as Iong as I'm director of the museum.
Yes, I'm sure no one wiII.
Excuse me.
I heard you are
one of the craziest motherfuckers around.
What do you want, Mr. Businessman?
I wondered if you wanted
to make an obscene amount of cash.
-You're serious, aren't you?
-I never make Iight of money.
Do I have to have sex with you?
I certainIy hope not.
Look, Mr. Avnet...
...Iet me buy you a gimIet
and perhaps I can expIain.
What's your angIe?
I mean, obviousIy you have a ton of money.
You don't need these coins.
It's perfectIy simpIe to expIain.
MeIander Stevens is my worst enemy.
For exampIe, he was made Grand Boar
at the Hunter's CIub without a singIe kiII.
He stoIe the stewardship of
the Mahjong Society from under my nose.
RecentIy, he bought the directorship
of the museum...