Mark Ieft me for SheIIey.
Okay, then that's a pretty bad idea.
Kresk, I need you to take Scottie
off my hands for a few days.
No way. That IittIe bastard hates me.
-Scottie, get a broom and cIean that up!
-Yeah, now!
Hey, don't yeII at my son.
Listen, it's just for a few days, Kresk.
I don't think I can take him for a few hours.
You'II be fine. Just be carefuI,
because he wiII eat anything.
-Good Iuck.
-Baby, come here. Give Mamma a kiss.
-Screw you.
AII right, bye-bye.
Hey, Scottie.
-WeII, I guess it's just you and me, buddy.
-I hate you.
Scottie, can you just"...."
-Is this Lester's 24-hour pawn shop?
Great, I have some coins
that I'd Iike to pawn.
What kind of coins?
HoId on. Scottie, put those down.
Put them down.
-"How oId are they?"
They're reaIIy oId.
Can you be more specific?
I'd say around Ming Dynasty or so.
You kidding me?
My God! The coins!
You idiot!
The cuIprits appear to be coins.
ProbabIy some quarters.
What's going to happen to those quarters?