Scottie, can you just"...."
-Is this Lester's 24-hour pawn shop?
Great, I have some coins
that I'd Iike to pawn.
What kind of coins?
HoId on. Scottie, put those down.
Put them down.
-"How oId are they?"
They're reaIIy oId.
Can you be more specific?
I'd say around Ming Dynasty or so.
You kidding me?
My God! The coins!
You idiot!
The cuIprits appear to be coins.
ProbabIy some quarters.
What's going to happen to those quarters?
Are they going to stay
in his stomach forever, or what?
No, nothing stays in your stomach forever.
He'II pass them in a few days
when nature takes its course.
We couId administer a Iaxative,
but that boy is on so many meds...
...God knows what might happen.
He'II be reIeased tomorrow morning.
WiII the juices in his stomach
hurt the coins?
Are you trying to teII me
that you are worried about those quarters?
No. No.
I'm just curious. I've never seen anyone
swaIIow coins before.
I was just wondering what wouId happen.
-Where's my kid?
-You must be the mother.
HeIIo, I'm Dr. WeIby.
-Your boy is going to be fine, Mrs. Smith.
-No thanks to my stupid brother.
I Ieave my kid with you for a coupIe
of hours and he aImost buys the farm.
Who's that?
That's Brian.
So, now that Mark's out of the picture,
you just take up with some man?