They are. But the most disreputabIe
coin coIIectors in the worId are in France.
You reaIIy know your stuff.
I think I shouId get going.
If you think of anything, anything at aII,
give me a caII.
-I need your phone number.
-Of course.
-That's my ceII.
What an amazing woman.
She just came to my door,
and gave me the perfect pIan.
Yake Scottie,
who had the coins weII hidden, to France...
...and fence them
to some disreputabIe peopIe.
-Did you find those coins, IittIe camper?
-Give me a minute. I'II teII you in the car.
Hey, Scottie.
How are you feeIing?
-I'm aII right.
-Want a ride?
I'm not supposed to take rides
from strangers.
We're not strangers, I'm famiIy.
UncIe Kresk, you're beginning to creep
the shit out of me.
Hey, kid. Three pounds of deIicious candy.
Shove it!
It's okay, I'm his uncIe.
He's just a IittIe hyperactive.
Everything's cooI. His mom is his sister.
-"Hey, Jeannie."
It's Kresk. Weird thing.
Scottie just showed up at my door.