Hey, Scottie.
How are you feeIing?
-I'm aII right.
-Want a ride?
I'm not supposed to take rides
from strangers.
We're not strangers, I'm famiIy.
UncIe Kresk, you're beginning to creep
the shit out of me.
Hey, kid. Three pounds of deIicious candy.
Shove it!
It's okay, I'm his uncIe.
He's just a IittIe hyperactive.
Everything's cooI. His mom is his sister.
-"Hey, Jeannie."
It's Kresk. Weird thing.
Scottie just showed up at my door.
He wants bygones to be bygones
about the whoIe coin thing.
-"He wants to hang out for a few days"--
-I can't beIieve you kidnapped me.
-That hurt.
It's not kidnapping, it's borrowing.
There's something inside of you
that we need.
My pIasma.
No, the coins that you swaIIowed.
Wait a freaking minute.
You guys kidnapped me
to get the coins I'm going to poo?
It's Iike a bird with seeds.
Like a Ringrobin Sapstronger--
Just shut up!
We just need to know
if you've pooed since Iast night.
No, I haven't, Mr. Creepy.
Those coins are worth a Iot of money.
So, you can't poo for the next 24 hours.
But when we get to France,
you can poo to your heart's content.
Everything was going pretty smoothIy.
I had 10 hours to kiII before my fIight,
so I decided to pay the oId man a visit.