I Iiked him, too.
I wouId have voted for him
had I been oId enough.
PauIie said he was fIoating you
the up-front money.
Yeah, don't worry. I'II have the money.
This is going to be reaIIy easy,
because this guy is mostIy dead aIready.
Who do you want whacked?
Robert BoIIingsworth.
He jumped off a bridge.
He's in a coma at the hospitaI.
What's the matter?
You know BoIIingsworth?
No, of course not.
I just recognized his name from the news.
They said he sIipped.
They didn't say anything about suicide.
No. I was there. It was suicide.
He wanted to die and I stopped him,
that's why I want him dead.
What's wrong?
Suicide bothers me.
My mom and dad kiIIed themseIves.
I'm sorry.
My father kiIIed himseIf, too.
That's horribIe.
My parents were dentists.
After they did it, I dropped out
of high schooI and became a hitman.
WeII, if you don't want to do
the BoIIingsworth job"...."
I didn't say that.
-I'm sorry.
-There, there.
-Don't worry. I'II take the hit.
-Okay, okay.
Andy, come on, what's going on here?
Just coaching the boy in the fine art
of Indian wrestIing.
-He's as strong as a buII, Kresk.
...investigation into the robbery
of the Shiny New Enemies...