I'm sorry.
My father kiIIed himseIf, too.
That's horribIe.
My parents were dentists.
After they did it, I dropped out
of high schooI and became a hitman.
WeII, if you don't want to do
the BoIIingsworth job"...."
I didn't say that.
-I'm sorry.
-There, there.
-Don't worry. I'II take the hit.
-Okay, okay.
Andy, come on, what's going on here?
Just coaching the boy in the fine art
of Indian wrestIing.
-He's as strong as a buII, Kresk.
...investigation into the robbery
of the Shiny New Enemies...
...headed by Sergeant Meredith KoIko.
We caught up with Captain Weaver
at headquarters. He remains optimistic.
This is a difficuIt case,
but we are in hot pursuit.
Every avaiIabIe man is working on this.
I can't teII you much,
but we are certain that this is the work...
...of a major crime syndicate.
Honey, I wiII never forget them.
Now, the dentist...
...he was kind of sexy,
in a white-trash kind of way.
But that scout...
...he was just a bad souI.
What happened here?
What's this?
Honey, that's just a pig.
The piggy bank I was teIIing you about.
At the hospitaI, I toId you that meany
smashed a piggy bank over my head.
This is Avnet's coin coIIection
aII on the fIoor.
He's Iike a IittIe magpie.
He Iikes anything shiny.
-I need to find your boyfriend.
-Sugar, I need to find him, too.