skin, hair, mouth, or the anus.
No abrasions or contusions
in the pubic region.
In fact no evidence of
sexual penetration of any kind.
Neither was the boy we found in the
first killings sexually assaulted.
Of course I can't tell you if
he died a virgin...
but I can tell you that he had no
sex at the time of the killings.
It would appear...
that your killer has been accurate
in the application of his signature.
Come in.
Hi, honey.
Hi, daddy.
I need to ask you
a personal question.
- About what?
- About you and Kenny.
- What is it?
- How far you've gone?
Gone, you know...
base wise.
Are you two kissing?
Of course.
I'm not a child anymore, dad.
That 's normal.
- I'm not criticizing.
- I know.
Have you gone further than that?
I wouldn't ask you this unless
it was absolutely necessary.
Can you go further...
than you have?
But you don't have
to worry about it.
We just broke up the other day.
Are you disappointed, dad?