ANOUK: Here. It's a lot
betterthan those leaves.
Tastes good.
Come on.
Pantoufle wants to meet you.
ANOUK: He's my kangaroo.
Go ahead. lt's your favorite.
What makes you so sure?
Go on. Taste it.
That's fantastic.
Oh, thanks.
l have a knack for guessing.
lt's good--
not my favorite.
[Gati and Anouk laughing]
All right.
Thanks very much.
You know, l could fix that,
if you like.
Not with glass, but...
l can make you a nice
strong one out of wood.
VlANNE: That's nice of you...
but l insist on paying you
for your work.
That makes two of us, then.
ROUX: Bye.
Thanks again.
She's laughing at us.
Now she's got one of those
river people working for her.
PERE: ls that a problem?
Christ teaches us--
Look at this.
She's soliciting for stalls
and street performers...
for a fertility celebration
on Easter Sunday.
She's cackling at us.
When are you going to do
something about it?
Oh, there.
ROUX: Whatpart ofAustralia
is Pantoufle from?
ANOUK:A smalltown
outside ofSydney.
ROUX: What does he eat?
ANOUK: Leaves, bugs...