REYNAUD: Serge...
What are you talking about?
SERGE: The fire,
Monsieurle Comte.
l know it was
the right thing to do...
but l can't get rid of
the faces and the screams.
The fire...
The fire was an act of God.
lt was me, Monsieur le Comte.
[Sighs] What?
You told me. Remember?
SERGE: ''Something
has to be done, Serge.''
You did, didn't you?
People could have died.
REYNAUD: You want
theirblood on yourhands?
On--on my hands?
Should l go to Pere Henri
and ask for forgiveness?
Listen to me, Serge.
Listen very carefully.
REYNAUD: You must leave
this village at once...
and never return.
Why would l leave
my home and my cafe?
Because l'm evicting you,
that's why!
What you have done
puts you beyond anyone's help...
beyond my help, anybody's help!
Now get out!
Unless you will tell the police
what you've done!
Get out! Get out! Get out!
[Wind howling]
[Softly moans]
VlANNE: Time to go.
Oh, no.
l'm not going.