So, how do you know...
if the coverture
is properly tempered?
JOSEPHlNE: You check to see
if it's at body temperature.
Then you dip
the palette knife...
to see that the coverture
hardens on it evenly.
ln the village, time passed.
And the chocolaterie
did notgo out ofbusiness.
[Drops package]
[Charly yelps]
The Comte de Reynaud...
feIt himseIFbeing drawn
into a strange crusade.
His struggle to transform Serge
into a gentleman...
became more
than an act ofgood will.
It became a test...
a holy warbetween chateau...
and chocolaterie.
[Charly howls]
LUC: Each time, l...
l tell myself
it's the last time.
But then l...
l get a whiff
of a hot chocolate.
Or those moon things.
AUDEL: Chocolate seashells.
So small, so plain, so innocent.