His struggle to transform Serge
into a gentleman...
became more
than an act ofgood will.
It became a test...
a holy warbetween chateau...
and chocolaterie.
[Charly howls]
LUC: Each time, l...
l tell myself
it's the last time.
But then l...
l get a whiff
of a hot chocolate.
Or those moon things.
AUDEL: Chocolate seashells.
So small, so plain, so innocent.
l thought,
just one little taste...
it can't do any harm.
But it turned out
that they were filled...
with rich, sinful...
YVETTE: Buttery filling...
and it melts,
God forgive me...
it melts ever-so-slowly
on your tongue...
and tortures you with pleasure.
PERE:Against You alone,
have lsinned...
and done what is evil
in Yoursight.
[Plastic crinkling]
[Crinkling stops]
lndeed l was born guiIty...
a sinner when my mother
conceived me.
You desire truth
in the inward being...
therefore teach me wisdom
in my secret heart.
Now, the comte was no fool.
Though he hoped
to redeem Serge...
he knewthat
this redemption alone...
would not be enough...
to regain control
overthe village.
He understood
that some largerlesson...
needed to be taught.