Go kill yourself!
He might take your body with him.
What did
always tell you?
I always told you
to meet some one
in your own league
I told you that would
make us both happy.
You were so arrogant and different.
This is what you get.
Mater Lee!
Look at me and talk.
Was my daughter ugly
or bad-mouthed, or vulgar?
What is the reason for your departure?
You can't do that to us.
You can't betray us like this.
If you still want to go
then you're going to have kill us all.
You're going to have to bury us first
or we won't let you go.
Mother, I'm taking Chunhyang.
I have an idea.
There will be a palanquin for the spirit tablet.
I'll hide the tablet in my sleeve.
And Chunhyang can hide in the palanquin.
No one will suspect
that Chunhyang is in there.
What the hell are you talking about?
How can Chunhyang fit
into that small palanquin?
Mother, he's frustrated, too.
Please, leave me and him.
Since Master Lee has to leave tomorrow
I want to talk to him
and cry on his shoulder all night long.
How can your heart be so benign?
My husband, take this drink.
While you travel to Seoul,
think of my love for you
when you see the blue river.