Full house. Eights over twos.
See you, guys.
See you, Paul.
What do you think?
Think it might piss down.
Well done, Leo.
You'll let us win some back soon, yeah?
Any chance you could say
you couldn't find me?
No chance.
-How much today?
-A monkey.
Lovely. Good lad.
It's working out beautifully.
Lily doesn't have a clue.
Don't worry about Leo. He's no problem.
Don't underestimate him.
-He's still the smartest man I know.
-Not for much longer.
-Too much can still go wrong.
Fucking everything could go wrong.
If Lily finds out, I'm fucked.
If Leo finds out what we're doing,
I'm fucked!
Then give me the word
and Maitland Shipping will become Lily's...
...faster than you can say, "Fall guy."
Then what?
Then I'll tell the buyers
to have the money ready for transfer.
And it'll be in the Caymans just like that.
It's the age of the computer.
I don't know.
Money in computers isn't safe.
You hear about it all the time,
don't you, hackers and the like?
-Do I have a password, or something?
-Yeah. Eight letters.
And I'm the only one who knows it?
Including you.
I am your accountant, Bruno?