/ I'll survive
I will survive //
[Man Whistles]
Þuna bak!
New York'ta 4 kiþi öldürülmüþ
dün gece.
Neden yok.
Polis kararsýz.
[ Clicks Tongue ]
- Trajik.
- Dad, ne yapýosun?
7 milyondan 4ü gitti.
Baþlýklar söyle,
"" Milyonlarca insan bu gece de canlý geçirdi.""
Baba býrak anladým.
Yumurtalarýný ye.
Onlar yumurta aký.
Karton yesem daha iyi.
Þu andan 2 kilo kaybettin.
Bu diyete devam.
Sosis ve fast food yok.
Ve sana o Lean Cuisine yemeklerinden,
dondurucuya koyacagým.
- Aðzým sulundu bile.
- Ve de vitaminlerin.
- Vitamin almam.
- Hemen alýyorsun.
Oh,tv kumandasýna pil koydum ve
videonu ayarladým--
Bir saniya.
Bu garip degil mi?
Ben babayým sen evden gidençocuk
Sana nasýl yaþaman gerektigini
I'll survive
I will survive
Look at this!
Four people killed last night
in New York.
No reason at all.
Police have no leads.
- Tragic.
- Dad, what're you doin?
I guess four out
of seven million ain't so bad.
Headlines should read,
"Millions Survive Night in New York."
Dad, stop. I get the point.
Here. Eatyour eggs.
They're not eggs. They're egg whites.
And I'd rather eat the carton.
You've already lost six pounds.
You're staying on this diet. No fast food. No sausage.
Oh, and I bought you some
of those Lean Cuisine meals, and I put 'em in the freezer.
- My mouth is watering already.
- And I lined your vitamins up on the counter.
- I don't take vitamins.
- You do now. Just take them.
Oh, and I put fresh batteries
in the TV remote and set the V.C.R. timer so--
Excuse me. Excuse me.
Am I missing something here?
I'm the parent. You're the child
running away to live by herself.
I should be tellin' you
how to live.