You ever heard of that
drinking game, "Quarters"?
Where am I going to sleep?
With that freshman.
-"She's Got You".
-It's a better pick than "Crazy".
-Depends on your mood, I guess.
-Do you like Patsy Cline?
-Yeah! Patsy, Billie, Joni.
All the great female singers.
My mom's influence. She spins.
-Get out of here!
-Been a DJ her whole life.
You can't watch me pick, okay?
I had to choose dance stuff because
this place needs friction.
-I'm Imogen.
-My mom picked it out of a name book.
I'm Al.
Alfred Connelly.
-Are you a junior?
-Sophomore. Are you a soph...?
Are you a freshman?
-This is a great pick for adrenaline.
-Have to endorphinize.