I had to choose dance stuff because
this place needs friction.
-I'm Imogen.
-My mom picked it out of a name book.
I'm Al.
Alfred Connelly.
-Are you a junior?
-Sophomore. Are you a soph...?
Are you a freshman?
-This is a great pick for adrenaline.
-Have to endorphinize.
Singing, baby.
That guy looks like Jim Morrison,
from The Doors.
His name is Jim Morrison.
You okay?
That's what I get for drinking
in between drinks.
Got to come up for air.
We're going to the Cat
and Mouse tavern. Coming?
-I see you with the twig in the corner.
-The frat boy without a frat.
-Al, this is Lana. Lana, Al.
-Hey you, Aley.
I'm going back to twig boy and then
we're going out. So, later.