Fa yeung nin wa

Not that room!
Oops, wrong again!
Careful! Against the wall there.
The little cupboard over there.
Be careful!
Don't break anything!
Not on top of the radio!
Mr Chow...
You have a lot of stuff
for a couple!

- The wardrobe isn't mine.
- Wrong again?

lt goes next door.
Okay, next door.
These aren't my shoes!
They must go next door.

What a coincidence!
Moving in on the same day!

ls Mr Chan here?
He's working abroad.
He'll be back next week.

You should have waited, then.
lt's too much for you on your own.
- l can manage.
- l'll ask Amah to help.

No need, l can manage.
What's going on?
Mind that mirror!
Mrs Chan, l'll leave you to it.
- Those books aren't mine.
- Wrong again?

Never mind,
just leave them there.

Mind how you hang the mirror,
it's fragile!

Are these magazines yours?
Yes, they're my husband's.
He reads Japanese?
A little, his boss is Japanese.
How should l address you?
My husband's name is Chan.
My name's Chow...
l'll leave you in peace.

Thank you, Mr Chow.
Don't mention it.
l'll ask Mrs Chan...
Mrs Chan,
eat with us before you go!

No thanks,
l must dash to the airport.

- Your husband's coming back?
- Yes.

Then l won't keep you.
- Going out?
- Yes.

Sorry, l'm late!
Amah, pour some beer.
Mrs Chow,
try some Shanghai dishes.
