Final Destination

Almost autumn.
It's only the end of June.
Yeah, but everything's
always in transition.

If you focus, even now,
just one week into summer...

you can almost feel
autumn coming.

I like being able
to see the future.

Why were you at
Tod's house last night?

I've seen enough TV to know...
the FBl doesn't investigate
teen suicides.

They were there last night.
That means, one...

they still don't have a clue
what caused the crash.

Two...they haven't
ruled out anything...

and the fact seven people
got off the plane...

is probably weird enough.
Not to mention, one of
those people had a vision...

of the plane exploding...
minutes before it actually did
is highly suspicious.

And it doesn't help that
the visionary's friend...

just committed suicide.
Why were you there last night?
You know what this is?
This is a...
This is Springy Head Guy.
It's you. Not a likeness.
It's how
you make me feel, Alex.

I'm sorry.
No. Like you, the sculpture
doesn't even know...

what or why it is.
It's reluctant to take form...
and yet creating an absolute...
but incomprehensible

In four years
of high school...

we haven't said
one word to each other.
