Final Destination

You know what this is?
This is a...
This is Springy Head Guy.
It's you. Not a likeness.
It's how
you make me feel, Alex.

I'm sorry.
No. Like you, the sculpture
doesn't even know...

what or why it is.
It's reluctant to take form...
and yet creating an absolute...
but incomprehensible

In four years
of high school...

we haven't said
one word to each other.

At that moment, on the plane,
I felt what you felt.

I didn't even know where
those emotions came from...

until you started
freaking out.

I didn't see what you saw,
but I felt it.

You can still feel it,
can't you?

Something from that day
is still with you.

I know because
I can still feel you.

That's why I was there
last night.

I've never dealt
with death before.

This could all be in our head.
It just feels like
it's all around us.

What if Tod was just the first?
Of us.
