Finding Forrester

Because it is old.
More than 200 years old.

Written before your father was born,
before your father's father was born.

But that still does not
excuse the fact...

...that you don't know who wrote it,
now does it, Mr. Coleridge?

l'm sorry, sir, l don't--
You, of all people in this room,
should know who wrote that passage.

And do you know why, Mr. Coleridge?
l repeat, do you know why?
Just say your name, man.
Did you have something
to contribute, Mr. Wallace?

l just said that
he should say his name.

And why would it be helpful
for Mr. Coleridge to say his name?

Because that's who wrote it.
Very good, Mr. Wallace.
Perhaps your skills...
:27:53 extend a bit farther
than basketball.

lf we can turn to page--
You may be seated, Mr. Coleridge.

Turn to page 1 20
in the little blue book that--

l'm sorry?
You said my skills extend ''farther''
than the basketball court.

''Farther'' relates to distance.
''Further'' is a definition of degree.

-You should have said ''further.''
-Are you challenging me, Mr. Wallace?

No more than you challenged Coleridge.
Perhaps the challenge
should have been directed elsewhere.

''lt is a melancholy truth that even--''
''--great men have poor relations.''
''You will hear the beat of--''
-''All great truths begin--''

-''Man is the only animal--''
-''--that blushes...

''...or needs to.''
lt's Mark Twain.
Come on, Professor Crawford--
