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in the little blue book that--
l'm sorry?
You said my skills extend ''farther''
than the basketball court.
''Farther'' relates to distance.
''Further'' is a definition of degree.
-You should have said ''further.''
-Are you challenging me, Mr. Wallace?
No more than you challenged Coleridge.
Perhaps the challenge
should have been directed elsewhere.
''lt is a melancholy truth that even--''
''--great men have poor relations.''
''You will hear the beat of--''
-''All great truths begin--''
-''Man is the only animal--''
-''--that blushes...
''...or needs to.''
lt's Mark Twain.
Come on, Professor Crawford--
Get out!
Get out.
Yeah. l'll get out.
-Leave it alone.
-Hold on, please.
So they kick you out
if you know something here?
You don't know what Crawford will do.
You're right about that.
-Do you think you should apologize?
-Do you?
You did nothing wrong.
Just beat him at his own game.
...it would be a good time
to be careful.
Careful? Careful about what?
You have a gift that will allow you to
do remarkable things with your life.