-Who's that?
-It's just my daughter.
It's okay.
Laura, what do you want?
My stomach aches.
You must have gas, damnit!
There's aspirin in the bathroom.
Now cIose the door!
You get it. It hurts!
Your head is going to hurt
if you don't get out of here!
Don't worry.
Laura, pIease, get out.
WiII you stop fucking
my Iife up?
I said go!
-Let's just forget it...
-No, no...
With the girI there....
No, no. You Ieave it to me,
okay honey?
Don't worry about her,
she's aII right.
Come to me...
That's it...
That's enough!
You'II stop Iaughing at me!
This is going to stop
once and for aII!
AsshoIe! Are you stupid?
I aImost burned myseIf!
Son of a bitch!