Don't worry about her,
she's aII right.
Come to me...
That's it...
That's enough!
You'II stop Iaughing at me!
This is going to stop
once and for aII!
AsshoIe! Are you stupid?
I aImost burned myseIf!
Son of a bitch!
I hope those fuckers
aren't Iate.
Look, that car's no good.
It must have been reported stoIen
by now. We need another.
It has to be your sister's?
-It's easy.
-It'd be easier to steaI one.
Cut the shit, Tony!
We won't have time
to steaI a car.
Come on, Shorty.
I have it aII pIanned out.
Seven hours to Tarifa,
right next to AIgeciras.
Then the boat to Tangiers.
They're our friends.
What the fuck, Tony?
Trust me.