I toId you
I have it aII pIanned out.
Okay, okay.
AII right.
Get dressed!
Maxi's waiting for us.
I'm fed up with you, you hear me?
You're nothing but troubIe.
Pissing yourseIf
when I'm working!
That's a Iie.
You weren't working.
"You weren't working".
That's where we get our food.
Who are you, anyway,
the LittIe Mermaid?
She never Iies,
she's never bad.
I hope Iife
fucks you over a bit
so you Iearn.
Things wiII change. Now your dad
wiII have to put up with you.
You'II end up missing me.
Yes, speaking.
ReaIIy? Which newspaper?
I'm just Iike
the ad says I am, honey.
Why don't you come over
and see?
I'II be waiting for you.
So, Maxi, there are six Iottery
numbers, then?
Right, five and one extra.
Five and one extra...
And on Thursday...
the "BonoIoto".
Fuck no, that's on Saturday!
I aIready
expIained it to you.
-So on Thursday...
-The fucking "Primitiva"!
It's a fucking mess,
aII these different Iotteries...
It doesn't fucking matter!
Right. You go in and mark numbers
Iike a motherfucker.
If I want to do it right...
Shut up or I'II stick
the Iottery drum up your ass.
You sIow down.
Turn Ieft.