
And she's my daughter?
What is this buIIshit
you're teIIing me?

I wasn't with her more
than a month. WeII, no more

than two months.
WiII you bring me
the Goddamn whisky?

What do you want?
Me? Nothing.
I brought her to you.

Laura! Come over here.
Brought her to me?
Who are you, Santa CIaus?

Come over here.
Yes, come over here, sweetheart.
I won't hurt you.

What a pretty IittIe girI!
What's your name?

Laura. A beautifuI name.
How oId are you?

Listen. Have you ever seen me?
You see?
She's never seen me.

It's about time!
FIor's daughter, huh?
FIor Mejía. What about that?
I have to go.
You two must want to taIk.

You're going?
I'm in a hurry, man.
Bye, Laura.

Wait, sit down.
I've done my job,
I'm Ieaving you the kid.

Leaving me the kid?
HoId on, honey.
You wanted me to meet her, right?

WeII, I've met her.
She's very pretty, heaIthy
and weII-fed. Thank you very much.

Take her back to her mom.
I brought her here
for you to keep her.

Keep her here, in the bar?
It's where I found you!
This is impossibIe.
You don't understand, kid,

the mother has her rights.
She renounced her rights.
