
You see?
She's never seen me.

It's about time!
FIor's daughter, huh?
FIor Mejía. What about that?
I have to go.
You two must want to taIk.

You're going?
I'm in a hurry, man.
Bye, Laura.

Wait, sit down.
I've done my job,
I'm Ieaving you the kid.

Leaving me the kid?
HoId on, honey.
You wanted me to meet her, right?

WeII, I've met her.
She's very pretty, heaIthy
and weII-fed. Thank you very much.

Take her back to her mom.
I brought her here
for you to keep her.

Keep her here, in the bar?
It's where I found you!
This is impossibIe.
You don't understand, kid,

the mother has her rights.
She renounced her rights.
What the fuck?
She's her daughter!

She raised her, it's her duty.
That's what the Iaw says.
It trusts mothers, not fathers.

-I'm out of here.

Maybe I'm not
even her father! HaIf of Madrid
couId be her father!

Look what you did!
You fucking scared her!

She can't stay here.
She shouId be with her mother.

Doesn't that bitch have a heart?

Kid! Where are
those cigarettes?

You take her.
I can see you're fond of her.
Fuck no, man!
She's your kid, take care of her
untiI her mom comes.

Go Iook for her now.
Right, I go after her,
and as soon as I hug her,
the movie's over. Shit!
