She wouldn't be tryin' to talk to me, yo, 'cause I wouldn't talk back to her.
That's why she's talkin' to George.
I don't care about the other girls. I care about Nasia.
I think about her all the time.
What's that?
Oh, I dug this up in the ground yesterday.
Why you do that to it, man?
I don't know. I was bored.
Destructive kind, yo. Cheer up, man.
Hey, George. You know, your Uncle D walked out on us today.
That man's crazy.
I swear, Rico's father thought he was gonna have a conniption fit.
I thought he was gonna bust. What do you call it? A crazy move?
Nothing shocks my dad, man. That's why he's the boss,
and that's why he just bought a K-Car turbo, as in King Car Turbo.
That's right.
- That's a good-lookin' dog. - He is a nice dog. Where'd you get him at?
I don't know. I just found it.
Yeah, I seen a dog like that on television. Man, that's rare as crap.
Smells like crap.
Have you had that thing checked out for a hysterectomy?
I think it's got halitosis or something.
You should give it cold lima beans with a little bit of salt.
Anyways, are you gonna keep that puppy?
- No. My uncle won't let me keep a dog. - "Oh, that's right."
Old Damascus would probably cut its head off or somethin'. He's a crazy
I remember this one time we were over at Barry's house. He was havin' a
And Barry's cat started freakin' out, right?