Mind if we talk a minute?
Yes, I mind.
I was under the impression
this was a private club.
I think we should go some place and talk.
-Listen, scary man--
-I scare you?
Whatever this is,
it isn't going over real well.
Drive me back to my car.
We'll talk on the way. Is that a problem?
-It is a problem.
-No, it's a problem if you don't.
Come on. It's okay.
-So, what's your name?
-Jeremy Kinnear.
Maybe you've read about me in Forbes.
I don't do that, Jeremy.
What are you telling me? You're bucks-up?
Without blowing the proverbial horn...
...my computer company is worth
about a gazillion dollars.
Give or take.
Your folks must be very proud.
I paid off my student loans,
bought them a house in France.
They leave me alone.
I think we've got
a mutual acquaintance, Jeremy.
Yeah. Cyrus Paice.
Yeah, I know him.
I try not to spend too much time
around him, though.
What's the connection?
You know, Mr. Carter, I really
don't have to answer your questions.
Sure you do, Jeremy.
What's the connection?
Okay, Mr. Carter, fine.
When you spend most of your life
stuck behind a computer...
...things like golf and girls
become pretty important.