Brumby's in the back.
So, now you're a travel agent.
That was a real nice touch,
sending Thorpey. Very nostalgic.
What are you talking about?
What'd Richie have on you?
Bloody hell, Jack! Richie was my friend.
What does it take,
a fucking miracle for you to believe that?
You're not giving me anything here.
All right, Jack.
Stop that, for fuck's sake.
Look, okay.
I owed this bloke some money.
He fronted a truck load last year
to extend the club.
He calls me this afternoon,
says he'll wipe the slate clean...
...if I'll do this thing for him.
He said he wanted you out of town.
That's all. He didn't say how,
just out of town.
You're brother was my friend.
I wouldn't hurt him.
Give me a name
or this is going to another level.
Cyrus Paice.
You want me out? You want me out?
You want to do this?
Rabbit's outta the hat, Jack.
Let's see if it jumps.
What did you do to Richie?
Goddamn you! I didn't do nothing.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news,
but you're chasing your ass.
You were gone too long, brother.
Shit changes.
Maybe not you, but some shit does change.