Gongyuan 2000 nian

- So good to see you sir.
- You asked for us?

Don't worry, Mr. Woo and l
have no secrets between us.

Didn't you check the goods
before you delivered them to your client?

Actually l didn't know who my client was.
TDX isn't an ordinary company.
My staff number is...
NSD Rosetta's Unit TDX 781019880
l don't understand.
l think l understand, sir.
l can explain to you later.

What proof do you have?
l already reported to my boss.
That someone invaded our system.
l downloaded all the E-mail messages
and the program l wrote.

You can check it!
- Nothing is left.
- What?

Your home was attacked
by an electric-ion bomb.

All the information on the computer
has been erased.

l don't think even the Hong Kong police
know what happened.

But my colleagues and l have checked.
lt was the equivalent of 100 X-rays.
Theoretically, everyone at the scene...
now has a very high chance
of getting cancer.

l will check what you've just told me.
But you must remain with us
for further questioning.

No problem.
Don't worry, l guarantee your safety.
How about my brother?
l'll handle it.
What's Rosetta's file'?
Just what the hell is that Rosetta file?
lt's the ClA's personal Pincode file sir.
He's saying that he works for the ClA.
