See, it moves forwards
and backwards.
Jones started it. Then she heard it.
So you can trace that line back.
lt goes back and forth like airwaves.
What will we do at the end of
the semester, hand in your room?
You think l'm a freak?
No. This is very original.
lt's like. . . .
You're original, Travis.
Listen. . .
. . .l know you, man.
lnside, you're like a piston.
lt's impossible to explain
what makes it run.
All the shit that's in there.
But. . . .
lt's confusing, but Picasso, Van Gogh,
all those guys, they all had doubts.
That's what made them brilliant.
Man, l can't even pay my rent.
Sometimes l don't even know
what l'm doing.
Trying to get at the truth, man.
Jones. Come here, look at this.
lsn't this good?
--totally bombed, had sex
while the party was going on.
People were walking in and out,
watching! They got off on it.
Naomi's, like, no sex at all.
Huge point with her.
Well, l guess Beau's huger.
Or is it more huge?
Beau Edson. God, l'd do it!
Apparently, Naomi did. With Beau and
even a couple others. The story--
-l heard it from a couple places now.
-Listen. . .
. . .l don't know why people are
saying what they're saying.