Trying to get at the truth, man.
Jones. Come here, look at this.
lsn't this good?
--totally bombed, had sex
while the party was going on.
People were walking in and out,
watching! They got off on it.
Naomi's, like, no sex at all.
Huge point with her.
Well, l guess Beau's huger.
Or is it more huge?
Beau Edson. God, l'd do it!
Apparently, Naomi did. With Beau and
even a couple others. The story--
-l heard it from a couple places now.
-Listen. . .
. . .l don't know why people are
saying what they're saying.
Did you say that something happened?
Naomi, l don't need to lie about sex.
Well, then tell me. What happened?
-Beau, look at me.
What do you want me to say?
You want to have sex, you don't
want to. Now you're asking what?
Why are you so angry?
Well, jeez, Naomi, l wonder.
That's not an answer, Beau.
The first time I heard it, it was...
...some sort of orgy, but that
was obviously an exaggeration.
...really happened was she passed
out drunk and they had sex anyway.
ls this what they're saying?
See, that's the best part.
lt keeps changing.
Four different people already said it.
Four different people told you
that she passed out and that. . . .