l mean, l spread a rumor
about Beau and Naomi.
l said they had sex during a party. . .
. . .and she knew she hadn't. . .
. . .so she thought what anyone
might think.
lt didn't really happen.
l just said it did.
That's not much of a story.
lf you want to help Beau,
do better than, "l made it up. "
l'm not doing this for Beau.
l don't even know him.
l heard that you had a crush on him.
No. l don't.
Have you ever heard of
obstruction of justice?
lmpeding an investigation?
-That's not--
-Listen to me.
Because l'm not a complete asshole,
l'm going to forget that we talked.
But if you start spreading this
around, l will not look kindly on it.
Didn't go so good?
See, that's the thing, Jones.
l lie much better
than you tell the truth.
We have to talk.
Jones, l was just--
We have to tell somebody.
You and me. l can't do this alone.
Maybe it'll blow over.
lt's not gonna blow over.
lf we don't do the right thing--
What's the matter with you?
You want to turn on Derrick?
After everything he's done for you?
You are nothing without him,
you know that?
You're pathetic.
lt's Cathy Jones.
No, please don't hang up!