We have to talk.
Jones, l was just--
We have to tell somebody.
You and me. l can't do this alone.
Maybe it'll blow over.
lt's not gonna blow over.
lf we don't do the right thing--
What's the matter with you?
You want to turn on Derrick?
After everything he's done for you?
You are nothing without him,
you know that?
You're pathetic.
lt's Cathy Jones.
No, please don't hang up!
Go away.
Listen, Jones.
You may not believe this. . .
. . .but l'm sorry you're hurting.
l'm a cynical guy. . .
. . .and it's no big surprise to me
that nobody cares about the truth.
But l know it's hard on you.
And l'm not proud to be
the one who taught you that.
Please don't talk to me.
Jones, l mean it.