Made it up?
Maybe you've made up all this too
At a time like this,
would I dare?
They're afraid I'm making this up
You better not be ,Dong!
It's a matter of life and death
if I was playing games now,
I'd be the loser!
What're you talking about?
He's afraid I'm lying
if I was ,I'd only be hurting myself!
Sit back down
Listen, I don't care what rank you hold.
Since you've been in our village,
we've fed you,
looked afater your wounds,
cut your hair and beard.
In your heart, you know,
we've treated you well
Very well
What else is there?Ask him
He says they've fed you,healed you,
cut your hair and treated you well,
Like members of their own family.
Especially Dasan
And his preanant wife, HTey've been great
You've treated us like family,
es[ecially Dason and his wife
Look let's not talk about that.
No talk about the pregnancy.
HWat's the second question?
And the second question?
You answered it
before I even aksed
WEll,Is there anything else?
You've answered everything.
Even he looks happy.
The swordsman wasn't one of you.
he was one of those who captured us
I can tell from his accent