lt´s okay.
We went out for two years, and...
l never got comfortable.
Why would a girl... No, a woman
like Charlie go out with me?
l felt like a fraud. I felt like one
ofthose people who suddenly shave their
heads and said they´d always been punks.
l was sure I'd be discovered
at any second.
And I worried about
my abilities as a lover.
And I was intimidated by other men
in her design department...
and became convinced she was
gonna leave me for one ofthem.
Then she left me for one ofthem.
The dreaded Marco.
Charlie, you fucking bitch!
Let´s work it out!
Just open the fucking door!
Look, let´s talk it... Char...
And then I lost it.
Kinda lost it all, you know?
Faith, dignity, about 1 5 pounds.
When I came to a few months later...
l found, to my surprise,
l had flunked out ofschool.
l started working in a record shop.
Some people never got over' Nam or
the night their band opened for Nirvana.
l guess I never really
got over Charlie.
But the thing I learned
from the whole Charlie debacle
is that you gotta punch your weight.