That was fouryears ago.
Number three on the top five
all-time breakup list?
Charlie Nicholson.
Sophomore year ofcollege.
Am I glad that´s over.
As soon as I saw her I realized she was
the kind of girl I'd wanted to meet...
ever since I was old enough
to want to meet girls.
l mean, she was different.
She was dramatic
and she was exotic.
- The guy with the make-up
and the tongue.
- Gene Simmons.
- Gene Simmons. There.
And she talked a lot,
and when she talked she said
remarkably interesting things...
about music, books, fi lm and politics.
- Yeah, Chairman Mao.
- And she talked a lot.
- Have you ever seen him
less than 300 feet tall?
- No.
- Huh? No.
And you won´t will you,
sweetheart? No.
Kiss my neck. Yeah.
And she liked me.
She liked me.
She liked me.
At least I think she did.
- Do you like that one?
- Yeah.
lt´s okay.
We went out for two years, and...
l never got comfortable.
Why would a girl... No, a woman
like Charlie go out with me?
l felt like a fraud. I felt like one
ofthose people who suddenly shave their
heads and said they´d always been punks.
l was sure I'd be discovered
at any second.
And I worried about
my abilities as a lover.
And I was intimidated by other men
in her design department...
and became convinced she was
gonna leave me for one ofthem.
Then she left me for one ofthem.
The dreaded Marco.
Charlie, you fucking bitch!
Let´s work it out!