l mean, it´sjust
so painful and draining.
I'm just gonna be by myself
for a while.
Me too. Me too.
lt made sense to pool our collective
loathing for the opposite sex.
And while we were at it we could share
a bed with somebody at the same time.
We were frightened of being left alone
for the rest ofour lives.
Only people ofa certain disposition
are frightened of being left alone
for the rest oftheir lives at 26.
We were ofthat disposition.
- So when she told me...
- I've met someone else.
Just someone else.
lt was contrary to the whole spirit
ofour arrangement.
l don´t have to take this shit.
You think I fuckin´ look like shit, huh?
So how come I got dumped?
- Hey, Dick. Come on in. What is it?
- Oh, um, well, we´re going
to Lounge Axe...
and, um, I wasjust wondering
ifyou wanted to come along with us.
Um, Marie De Salle´s playing.
You remember I told you
about her today? I like her.
She´s kind ofSheryl Crow-ish, crossed
with a, um, post-Partridge Family,
pre-L.A. Law Susan Dey kind ofthing.
- But, you know, um, black.
- Yeah.
So, um, I just wanted to know
ifyou wanted to come along.
Barry thought so too, really,
but I guess it looks as ifyou´re...
- reorganizing your records.
- Reorganizing my records. Yeah.
Um, what is this, uh, chronological?
- Not alphabetical.
- Nope.
- No fucking way.
- Yep.
l can tell you how I got from Deep
Purple to Howling Wolf in just 25 moves.
- Oh, my God.
- And, if I want to fi nd the song
"Landslide," by Fleetwood Mac...