How the Grinch Stole Christmas


Doesn't this seem like a bit much?
This is what Christmas is all about!
Can't you feel it?
Merry Christmas!
Thank you for shopping Farfingle's.
Wait a second!

Your change!
Another minute closer to Christmas!
And, for the next five minutes only,
99 percent off!

Yes, every Who down in Whoville
liked Christmas a lot...

...but the Grinch,
who livedjust north of Whoville...

...did not.
Get on it, girls.
All the good mistletoe's at the top.

-Hey, Drew, I'll race you!
-Notif I race you first.

Last one to the top is a stinky old Grinch!
You guys, where are we?
l think we should go back.

What? You're scared of the Grinch!
They say he lives up here in a big cave.
And only comes down
when he's hungry for the taste of...

-...Who flesh!

You're scared of the Grinch!
You're scared of the Grinch!

-Are too!
-Am not!

Wait for me!
Go on, touch it. Touch the door.
Do it for me, Stu.
