What? You're scared of the Grinch!
They say he lives up here in a big cave.
And only comes down
when he's hungry for the taste of...
-...Who flesh!
You're scared of the Grinch!
You're scared of the Grinch!
-Are too!
-Am not!
Wait for me!
Go on, touch it. Touch the door.
Do it for me, Stu.
Well done, Max!
Serves them right, those Yuletide-loving...
nog-sucking cheer mongers!
l really don't like them.
No, l don't.
Get my cloak!
l've been much too tolerant
of these Whovenile delinquents...
...and their innocent, victimless pranks.
So, they want to get to know me, do they?
They want to spend a little quality time
with the Grinch.
l guess l could use a little...
...social interaction.