My apologies ...
the new pastor cocked things up.
He is only temporary.
Do you want us to sing now?
No, thank you.
We're pretty good, you know.
Yes, but ... there's no need.
Then he bought a new TV.
Allow me ...
Thank you.
Have you anyone to talk to tonight?
Oh, I'm used to being alone.
Shouldn't you go back
to the church for that other funeral?
Yes, indeed.
Thank you.
Marcello Mercoledi ...
wasn't he your Italian teacher?
Yes ... Do you know
if they've found a replacement?
What's the matter
with your organist?
There was some disagreement
about the accentuation of a hymn.
Pastor Wredmann
got rather physical.
He pushed the organist
over the balcony.
I believe
he damaged his spleen or ...
Take care.
Shall I just sit down?
If you'll ...