La Virgen de los sicarios

My mom.
Where are you from, kid?
From here: Medallo.
Now it's called Medallo?
Or Metrallo.
Like in metralleta, machine gun?
I'm gIad the name's been changed.
Medellin was a tired old name.
It came from a pigsty
in Estremadura.

No one knows that anymore, or cares.
You know where Estremadura is?
In Spain.
You've been there?
I've been everywhere.
Like a witch doctor.
Why did you come back?
To die.
To die?
First show him the butterfly room.
Life is short and ends
when you Ieast expect it.

Where are the butterflies?
There are none.
We're the butterflies.

A name's a name,
the substance is what matters.
Take off your clothes, kid.
For protection.
- From what?
- Whatever.

And that?
I got a bIast from a shotgun.
So the amulets don't work!
No, they do.
Without them I'd have died.

You can't argue
with that kind of Iogic.

My heater.
