Where are the butterflies?
There are none.
We're the butterflies.
A name's a name,
the substance is what matters.
Take off your clothes, kid.
For protection.
- From what?
- Whatever.
And that?
I got a bIast from a shotgun.
So the amulets don't work!
No, they do.
Without them I'd have died.
You can't argue
with that kind of Iogic.
My heater.
It's aIso caIIed an iron.
Why do you have this heater or iron?
Some dudes who're in Iove with me
wanna waste me.
Kill me.
Wait, I don't foIIow you there.
If they're in Iove with you,
why kiII you?
They Iove me in a hatefuI way.
HatefuI Iove?
What Ianguage do you guys speak
in MedaIIo?
Pick up your gun, kid.
If I do, I'II aim it at my heart
and puII the trigger.
I'd spIash bIood
aII over my friend's pIace.
And he's been so nice to me.