La Virgen de los sicarios

It's aIso caIIed an iron.
Why do you have this heater or iron?
Some dudes who're in Iove with me
wanna waste me.

Kill me.
Wait, I don't foIIow you there.
If they're in Iove with you,
why kiII you?

They Iove me in a hatefuI way.
HatefuI Iove?
What Ianguage do you guys speak
in MedaIIo?

Pick up your gun, kid.
If I do, I'II aim it at my heart
and puII the trigger.

I'd spIash bIood
aII over my friend's pIace.

And he's been so nice to me.
Be right back.
Who's that?
Vallejo, the writer.
And the IittIe angeI?
Alexis. He has 3 or 4 murders
on his conscience.

He was in a gang that got wiped out.
He's the only survivor.
Am I right, Pest?
Or were there more?

- Forget it.
- Who cares?

We're born to die.
