The seminary has become a mall!
Who'd have guessed!
How come you're Ioaded?
How much did your apartment cost?
Nothing. My sister Gloria
left it to me when she died.
- She was rich?
- Stinking rich!
She had millions.
She married a Mafioso.
Which one?
What does it matter? He's dead.
She offed him all by herself.
One night he was drunk,
she pushed him off the terrace.
Dropped him Iike soiIed underwear.
He crashed down on the sidewalk.
The autopsy stated:
"Accidental death". Died of drink.
And her millions?
Her two useless sons
snorted most of it.
I got what was Ieft.
Who knows who killed them!
Me? Come on!
So you came back to Colombia
to inherit.
Did you Iove your sister?
Very much.
Now I have no one Ieft to Iove.
What else do you want?
A motorcycle?
- No, a mini-Uzi.
- What's that?
A small machine-gun.
I'm against aII vioIence.
Turn the music down a bit?
You don't Iike it?
I'm not used to it yet.
I'm going to the drugstore
for aspirin.
See you Iater.
Get out of the car!
I'II remember you!