A box of glory cakes.
With guava filling.
I remember this street
as full of pretty faces.
Where did they go?
My taste got better
or the genes got worse.
Everything changes.
Even God. He's not the static force
theologists claim.
Dumb priests! Nothing stays still!
Even rocks move!
In every atom of every rock,
electrons spin around nuclei.
Matter and movement
are one and the same.
Matter doesn't need God to move.
But He needs us to exist.
Without our thoughts,
He doesn't exist.
I'm paying for a box of pastries.
I'm hungry.
Get in line, scumbags!
Line up.
On your knees! Or you get none!
Some for me, little father.
Here, grandma.
He's gone nuts.
Where are we going?
I don't know...
Wherever you say.