La Virgen de los sicarios

Get in line, scumbags!
Line up.
On your knees! Or you get none!
Some for me, little father.
Here, grandma.
He's gone nuts.
Where are we going?
I don't know...
Wherever you say.

I didn't know
there were still places like this.

Know what they're playing?
"Francisco Alegre", a pasodoble.
You like it?
No, this music
reminds me of too much.

But now I like it. I'm with you.
It'll be our song.
I'll remember you when I hear it.

And I you.
Let's celebrate with a drink.
Welcome to "Patio del Tango".
Why a pasodoble?
For a change.
I knew a "Patio del Tango",
years ago in Guayaquil.

Same place.
I came here
when they pulled it down.
