how much he thought there was.
Almost a ton if you add
all the mounds together,
a ton of potatoes wasted.
Same thing with cauliflowers,
fruit and vegetables
in other regions,
but here it's potato country,
and we take what we find.
We're better off working
in the fields than shoplifting.
It's the same for all of us,
I'm not alone.
We get by as best we can.
We do potatoes,
we look in trash cans,
that keeps me going for now.
It's a hard life, that's all.
The year 2K is upon us, great, heh?
OK, I'm on my way with my 7 0 lbs,
and there are several tons left,
which could be picked,
but people don't know
where to come to. There you are.
They are hoboes in caravans.
We are gypsies, we travel around.
They're different from us.
It needs to be cut up
for the scrap merchant to come.
We don't have the necessary tools.
No electricity,just candles.
What do you do for water?
That's all we have. It's over there.
That's our tap.
- What if it freezes?
- If it freezes...
we pad around the pipe,
or we let it drip
to stop it freezing
when it gets really cold,
like last year,
when it got to -7 0F on the ground.