They are hoboes in caravans.
We are gypsies, we travel around.
They're different from us.
It needs to be cut up
for the scrap merchant to come.
We don't have the necessary tools.
No electricity,just candles.
What do you do for water?
That's all we have. It's over there.
That's our tap.
- What if it freezes?
- If it freezes...
we pad around the pipe,
or we let it drip
to stop it freezing
when it gets really cold,
like last year,
when it got to -7 0F on the ground.
You get used to it.
You seem to like beer?
I'd drink anything.
How many beers is that?
I drink a pack a day.
- What?
- Yeah, a pack of 2 4 a day.
2 4 or even 3 2.
Tell me what happened to you.
Did you have a house before?
Yeah, I had a job.
I worked impossible hours,
21 or 22 hours a day.
- Truck driving?
- Yeah.
- A trucker?
- Yes.
I drove long vehicles.
Then one day the police
breathalyzed me and then...
that's how I lost my job.
Then my wife left me,
she took my three kids with her,